Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions
ode.h File Reference

ODE solver by Shampine and Gordon. More...

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "vector.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include "restrict_begin.h"
#include "restrict_end.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define SG_ODE_FSTRICT   0x1
 Do not integrate beyond the target. More...
#define SG_ODE_FMAXNUM   0x2
 Use the value of iwork[5] to set the maximum number of iterations. More...
#define SG_ODE_ETOLER   3
 Integration did not reach target because the error tolerances were too small given the limitations of machine precision. More...
#define SG_ODE_ESTEPS   4
 Integration did not reach target because more than maxnum steps were taken. More...
#define SG_ODE_ESTIFF   5
 Integration did not reach target because more than maxnum steps were taken. More...
#define SG_ODE_EINVAL   6
 Invalid argument(s). More...


typedef void SgDerivFn(void *f_ctx, double t, const SgVector *restrict y, SgVector *restrict yp)




struct SgOdesg_ode_try_new (struct SgVectorDriver drv)
void sg_ode_del (struct SgOde *self)
int sg_ode_traverse (struct SgOde *self, int(*f)(void *ctx, void *data, int type, size_t len), void *ctx)
int sg_ode_step (struct SgOde *self, SgDerivFn *f, void *restrict f_ctx, double *restrict eps)
 Integrates a system of first order ordinary differential equations one step, normally from x to x+h, using a modified divided difference form of the Adams PECE formulas. More...
void sg_ode_interpolate (struct SgVectorDriver drv, double x, const SgVector *restrict y, double xout, SgVector *restrict yout, SgVector *restrict ypout, unsigned kold, SgVector *const restrict *phi, const double *restrict psi)
 The methods in function step approximate the solution near x by a polynomial. More...
void sg_ode_de (struct SgOde *self, SgDerivFn *f, void *restrict f_ctx, SgVector *restrict y, double *restrict t, double tout, double *restrict relerr, double *restrict abserr, int *restrict iflag, unsigned maxnum)
 Integrates a system of neqn first order ordinary differential equations. More...
int sg_ode (void *f_ctx, void(*f)(void *, double, const double *, double *), size_t neqn, double *restrict y, double *restrict t, double tout, double relerr, double abserr, int flag, double *restrict work, int *restrict iwork)
 Simple interface to the ODE solver. More...

Detailed Description

ODE solver by Shampine and Gordon.

This header provides two interfaces:

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SG_ODE_EINVAL   6

Invalid argument(s).


#define SG_ODE_ESTEPS   4

Integration did not reach target because more than maxnum steps were taken.


#define SG_ODE_ESTIFF   5

Integration did not reach target because more than maxnum steps were taken.

In particular, the equations appear to be stiff.


#define SG_ODE_ETOLER   3

Integration did not reach target because the error tolerances were too small given the limitations of machine precision.

In the case of sg_ode_de, the relerr and abserr will have been updated to be more reasonable, and one may re-attempt solution with the arguments unchanged.


#define SG_ODE_FMAXNUM   0x2

Use the value of iwork[5] to set the maximum number of iterations.

Otherwise, the default of 500 is used.


#define SG_ODE_FSTRICT   0x1

Do not integrate beyond the target.

Function Documentation

◆ sg_ode()

int sg_ode ( void *  f_ctx,
void(*)(void *, double, const double *, double *)  f,
size_t  neqn,
double *restrict  y,
double *restrict  t,
double  tout,
double  relerr,
double  abserr,
int  flag,
double *restrict  work,
int *restrict  iwork 

Simple interface to the ODE solver.

This is the same interface that sg-ode has had in older versions. It is less flexible but may be easier to use for simple problems.

This interface does not support generic vectors or parallelized vector operations. It also does not allow resumption if the tolerance is too small. The number of steps (maxnum) is limited to 500 per invocation.

[in,out]f_ctxAn arbitrary pointer that is passed as the first argument to all invocations of f.
[in]fA function that evaluates the right hand side of the ODE and stores the result in the array yp. Note that y and yp will not overlap.
[in]neqnThe number of elements in the array y.
[in,out]yOn entry, the array is expected hold the initial value of the vector y. On return, it is replaced with integrated result.
[in,out]tOn entry, the argument is expected to hold the initial value of the variable t. On return, it is replaced with the value at which the integration stopped. When resuming integration, t must contain the same value as before.
[in]toutThe target value of t.
[in]relerr,abserrThe relative and absolute tolerances. At each step, the code maintains fabs(local_error) <= fabs(y) * relerr + abserr for each component of the local error and solution vectors. Both are required to be positive.
[in]flagBit flag containing some possibly empty combination of SG_ODE_FSTRICT and SG_ODE_FMAXNUM. If SG_ODE_FSTRICT is not specified, then the solver may integrate slightly past the target. If SG_ODE_FMAXNUM is set, the value of iwork[5] determines the maximum number of iterations, which would have otherwise been 500 by default.
[in,out]workA buffer of length 21 * neqn + 100. When resuming integration, it must retain the same contents as before. (The buffer does not need to be initialized when starting a new integration.)
[in,out]iworkA buffer of length 5, or 6 if SG_ODE_FMAXNUM is set. When starting a new integration, all elements except iwork[5] must be initialized to zero. When resuming integration, it must retain the same contents as before.
Zero if the integration was successful. Otherwise, returns one of the following:

◆ sg_ode_de()

void sg_ode_de ( struct SgOde self,
SgDerivFn *  f,
void *restrict  f_ctx,
SgVector *restrict  y,
double *restrict  t,
double  tout,
double *restrict  relerr,
double *restrict  abserr,
int *restrict  iflag,
unsigned  maxnum 

Integrates a system of neqn first order ordinary differential equations.

The equations are of the form:

dy[i]/dt = f(t, y[0], y[1], ..., y[neqn - 1])    y[i] given at t

The function integrates from t to tout. On return the parameters in the call list are set for continuing the integration. The user has only to define a new value tout and call ode again.

The differential equations are actually solved by a suite of codes de, step, and interpolate. ode allocates virtual storage in the work array and calls de. de is a supervisor which directs the solution. It calls on the routines step and interpolate to advance the integration and to interpolate at output points. step uses a modified divided difference form of the Adams PECE formulas and local extrapolation. It adjusts the order and step size to control the local error per unit step in a generalized sense. Normally each call to step advances the solution one step in the direction of tout. For reasons of efficiency de integrates beyond tout internally, though never beyond t + 10 * (tout - t), and calls interpolate to interpolate the solution at tout. An option is provided to stop the integration at tout but it should be used only if it is impossible to continue the integration beyond tout.

This code is completely explained and documented in the text, Computer Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: The Initial Value Problem L. F. Shampine and M. K. Gordon.

fFunction f(f_ctx, t, y, yp) to evaluate derivatives yp[i] = dy[i]/dt
f_ctxArbitrary pointer passed to f.
ySolution vector at t (length: neqn)
tIndependent variable (length: 1)
toutPoint at which solution is desired
relerrRelative error tolerance for local error test (length: 1). At each step the code requires fabs(local_error) <= fabs(y) * relerr + abserr for each component of the local error and solution vectors
abserrAbsolute error tolerance for local error test (length: 1). See relerr.
iflagIndicates status of integration
selfArrays to hold information internal to de which is necessary for subsequent calls (length: 5)
maxnumMaximum number of steps allowed in one call to de.

First call to ode

The user must supply a function f(f_ctx, t, y, yp) to evaluate

dy[i]/dt = yp[i] = f(t, y[0], y[1], ..., y[neqn - 1])

and initialize the parameters:

  • y: Vector of initial conditions
  • t: Starting point of integration
  • tout: Point at which solution is desired
  • relerr, abserr: Relative and absolute local error tolerances
  • iflag: +1 or -1. Indicator to initialize the code. Normal input is +1. The user should set iflag = -1 only if it is impossible to continue the integration beyond tout.

All parameters except f and tout may be altered by the code on output so must be variables in the calling program.

Output from ode

  • y: Solution at t
  • t: Last point reached in integration. normal return has t == tout.
  • tout: Unchanged
  • relerr, abserr: normal return has tolerances unchanged. iflag = 3 signals tolerances increased
  • iflag: (Note: The value of iflag is returned negative when the input value is negative and the integration does not reach tout, i.e., -3, -4, -5.)
    • 2: Normal return. Integration reached tout.
    • 3: Integration did not reach tout because error tolerances too small. relerr, abserr increased appropriately for continuing.
    • 4: Integration did not reach tout because more than maxnum steps needed.
    • 5: Integration did not reach tout because equations appear to be stiff.
    • 6: Invalid input parameters (fatal error).
  • work, self: Information generally of no interest to the user but necessary for subsequent calls.

Subsequent calls to ode

Function ode returns with all information needed to continue the integration. If the integration reached tout, the user need only define a new tout and call again. If the integration did not reach tout and the user wants to continue, simply call again. The output value of iflag is the appropriate input value for subsequent calls. The only situation in which it should be altered is to stop the integration internally at the new tout, i.e., change output iflag = 2 to input iflag = -2. Error tolerances may be changed by the user before continuing. All other parameters must remain unchanged.

◆ sg_ode_interpolate()

void sg_ode_interpolate ( struct SgVectorDriver  drv,
double  x,
const SgVector *restrict  y,
double  xout,
SgVector *restrict  yout,
SgVector *restrict  ypout,
unsigned  kold,
SgVector *const restrict *  phi,
const double *restrict  psi 

The methods in function step approximate the solution near x by a polynomial.

Function interpolate approximates the solution at xout by evaluating the polynomial there. Information defining this polynomial is passed from step so interpolate cannot be used alone.

Input to interpolate

The user provides storage in the calling program for the arrays in the call list and defines xout, point at which solution is desired.

The remaining parameters are defined in step and passed to interpolate from that function.

Output from interpolate

  • yout: Solution at xout
  • ypout: Derivative of solution at xout

The remaining parameters are returned unaltered from their input values. Integration with step may be continued.

◆ sg_ode_step()

int sg_ode_step ( struct SgOde self,
SgDerivFn *  f,
void *restrict  f_ctx,
double *restrict  eps 

Integrates a system of first order ordinary differential equations one step, normally from x to x+h, using a modified divided difference form of the Adams PECE formulas.

Local extrapolation is used to improve absolute stability and accuracy. The code adjusts its order and step size to control the local error per unit step in a generalized sense. Special devices are included to control roundoff error and to detect when the user is requesting too much accuracy.

[in,out]selfThe solver state.
[in]fThe derivative function.
[in,out]f_ctxArbitrary pointer for f.
[in,out]epsLocal error tolerance. (length: 1)
Nonzero when no step can be taken, zero otherwise (crash).

The arrays phi, psi are required for the interpolation function interpolate. The array p is internal to the code.

Input to step

First call

The user must provide storage in their driver program for all arrays in the call list, namely

y[neqn], wt[neqn], phi[neqn * 16], p[neqn], yp[neqn], psi[12]

The user must also declare the start Boolean variable and the function f(f_ctx, x, y, yp) to evaluate

dy[i]/dx = yp[i] = f(x, y[0], y[1], ..., y[neqn - 1])

and initialize only the following parameters:

  • x: Initial value of the independent variable
  • y: Vector of initial values of dependent variables
  • h: Nominal step size indicating direction of integration and maximum size of step.
  • eps: Local error tolerance per step.
  • wt: Vector of non-zero weights for error criterion
  • start: Set to true.

step requires the L2 norm of the vector with components local_error[l] / wt[l] be less than eps for a successful step. The array wt allows the user to specify an error test appropriate for their problem. For example,

  • wt[l] = 1.0 specifies absolute error,
  • wt[l] = fabs(y[l]) error relative to the most recent value of the l-th component of the solution,
  • wt[l] = fabs(yp[l]) error relative to the most recent value of the l-th component of the derivative,
  • wt[l] = max(wt[l], fabs(y[l])) error relative to the largest magnitude of l-th component obtained so far,
  • wt[l] = fabs(y(l)) * relerr / eps + abserr / eps specifies a mixed relative-absolute test where relerr is relative error, abserr is absolute error and eps = max(relerr, abserr).

Subsequent calls

Function step is designed so that all information needed to continue the integration, including the step size h and the order k, is returned with each step. With the exception of the step size, the error tolerance, and the weights, none of the parameters should be altered. The array wt must be updated after each step to maintain relative error tests like those above. Normally the integration is continued just beyond the desired endpoint and the solution interpolated there with interpolate. If it is impossible to integrate beyond the endpoint, the step size may be reduced to hit the endpoint since the code will not take a step larger than the h input. Changing the direction of integration, i.e., the sign of h , requires the user set start = true before calling step again. This is the only situation in which start should be altered.

Output from step

Successful step

The function returns zero after each successful step with start set to false. x represents the independent variable advanced one step of length hold from its value on input and y the solution vector at the new value of x. All other parameters represent information corresponding to the new x needed to continue the integration.

Unsuccessful step

When the error tolerance is too small for the machine precision, the function returns nonzero without taking a step. An appropriate step size and error tolerance for continuing are estimated and all other information is restored as upon input before returning. To continue with the larger tolerance, the user just calls the code again. A restart is neither required nor desirable.